By having a child enrolled in OLL, you are automatically a member of the organization. Strengthening the relationship between the home and the school while nurturing community spirit among OLL families.
Why become a Active member of the Home and School?
When you become an Active Member of Home and School, you become an active part of your Child's education! You are given the opportunity to encourage student achievement and help enrich the learning environment. We believe in building partnerships between our families and our school. Together we can make a difference! The strength of the Home and School lies in our members; creativity, dedication, and connection to children. Participation in the many volunteer opportunities is essential to making our school an exception one. As a Member, you further our child advocacy mission by helping identify needs and concerns. Home and School provides a venue for you to contribute to your student's success.
How does Home and School support our school?
Home and School takes a multifaceted approach to supporting all students at OLL. By maintaining regular contact with faculty and surveying then as to their needs we are able to reinforce and strengthen classroom study in a number of ways:
- Providing teachers with start-up money for classroom materials
- Coordinating volunteers to provide assistance with:
- Chaperoning field trips
- Helping with art projects
- Helping with and/or coordinating classroom parties
- Classroom mentoring and tutoring
- Volunteering for sponsored activities
We sponsor a variety of programs and projects including:
- Children's Carnival
- Back to School Welcome dinner
- Staff Appreciation
- Family Nights
- Catholic Schools Week Activities
- Class Field Trips
- End of year Celebration
How do we finance activities?
- Bake Sales
- School Christmas Store
- Sock Hop
- Silent Auctions
- Donations
- Fundraisers
- Spring Rummage Sale
How do I become an Active Member?
- Volunteer
- Attend meetings
- Participate in planning and coordinating events